About This Blog

A QualitEvolution is intended to capture positions and experiences as a participant in the evolution of the Quality profession into the 21st century. From its origins as the brainchild of Corporate Industrial Statisticians, our profession has transformed and evolved to incorporate and adapt to the demands and expectations of our modern existence.

The scope of the subject matter within A QualitEvolution extends to the furthest ranges of quality, business transformation, management science, and quality issues especially pertinent to the members of ASQ in Canada.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

ASQ Code of Ethics - Essential for Growth and Member Leader success

Earlier this year, I attended presentations which indicated the overall aspirations of ASQ to grow membership to new levels, which reveals enough to know that ASQ aspires to grow globally, and double its current membership through increased rates of member retention and Net Promoter Scores indicating positive VoC evaluations.

In a highly competitive era, the inclination is to broaden the base of ASQ by making it more accessible.  Many compromises can be made but one aspect that must remain intact is the requirement of every member and affiliate of ASQ to adhere to the ASQ Code of Ethics


For clarity, I have added the link and am pasting the ethics below.

I call upon all ASQ members to examine their own personal values and priorities.  If ASQ does not operate in a way that aligns with or reflects your own moral standards, that disconnect will create frustration and a disconnect which will be reflected in a low Net Promoter Score (NPS).  For the sake of ASQ and its aspirations, every member must be prepared to not only abide by the Code of Ethics themselves but promote its adherence among everyone involved.

Member Leaders who represent ASQ must do so in a way that effectively propagates the values and ideals of our profession and society.  For these essential volunteers, specific attention needs to be paid to Article 4: Acting in a professional manner and Article 5: Acting as faithful agents avoiding Conflict of Interest

As an ASQ Member Leader, ASQ Fellow, and active member in Year 20 of my association with ASQ, I can attest that the ASQ Code of Ethics is not only altruistic and aspirational, it is an essential and non-negotiable component to the preservation and sustainability of our society.

As an organization of volunteers (and I am including the superlative efforts of paid ASQ HQ staff who work over and above their normal job descriptions), trust and confidence are essential to establishing the foundation necessary for the enthusiastic "all-in" collaboration necessary for success.  The slightest hesitation will disrupt and diminish efforts and cause initiatives to whither and fail.

As an ASQ leader, I have to be especially vigilant to reinforce ethical conduct among those in my charge or bailiwick.  This may be my Waterloo, in which I am prepared to set aside personal popularity and conviviality to ensure that ASQ is not tarnished by potential fraud artists or malefactors.  I will not knowingly endorse or support an ASQ Member Unit or its leaders whom I know to be in contempt or deliberate violation of the ASQ Code of Ethics or Conflict of Interest Guidelines.

Sometimes a stalemate will be reached.  I am not the ASQ police, but only one member. If I reach a point that the leadership of an ASQ member unit refuses to cooperate or abide by these ethical principles, I will (and encourage others) to refer the matter to ASQ's Professional Ethics Committee. 

Code of Ethics

Fundamental Principles
ASQ requires its members and certification holders to conduct themselves ethically by:
  1. Being honest and impartial in serving the public, their employers, customers, and clients. 
  2. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the quality profession, and 
  3. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare.
Members and certification holders are required to observe the tenets set forth below:
Relations With the Public
Article 1 – Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties.
Relations With Employers, Customers, and Clients
Article 2 – Perform services only in their areas of competence.
Article 3 – Continue their professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of others.
Article 4 – Act in a professional manner in dealings with ASQ staff and each employer, customer or client.
Article 5 – Act as faithful agents or trustees and avoid conflict of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest.
Relations With Peers
Article 6 – Build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and not compete unfairly with others.
Article 7 – Assure that credit for the work of others is given to those to whom it is due.

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