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A QualitEvolution is intended to capture positions and experiences as a participant in the evolution of the Quality profession into the 21st century. From its origins as the brainchild of Corporate Industrial Statisticians, our profession has transformed and evolved to incorporate and adapt to the demands and expectations of our modern existence.

The scope of the subject matter within A QualitEvolution extends to the furthest ranges of quality, business transformation, management science, and quality issues especially pertinent to the members of ASQ in Canada.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

ASQ Vancouver Message

At the recent ASQ Vancouver Section meeting, I provided the following comments.


It is my pleasure to address ASQ Vancouver as the incoming Regional Director for ASQ Region 4, Canada.  As a Regional Director, I serve as a liaison between the ASQ sections in Canada and the ASQ Board and Section Affairs Council.  My role is to support the section chairs and member-leaders across Canada to provide a consistent and positive member experience. 

I am very proud to have been a member of ASQ Vancouver since the mid 1990s, nearly two decades ago.  The approach taken by ASQ Vancouver has some very positive attributes which I would like to see applied across Canada.  Specifically I would like to emphasize the following four characteristics: Member-value, Social, Development, and Community.

This is a priority for ASQ, and will be supported and reinforced by the adoption of the Performance Award and Recognition (PAR) program, which will be used to track and improve success in this area.  ASQ Vancouver has demonstrated value to members through its programs, tours, testimonials, hands-on examples, and lessons learned from those who live and drive Quality within their organizations.  ASQ members should perceive their relationship with ASQ as a loyalty program, where efforts and contributions can materialize into benefits and advantages.  I commit to working with our members and member-leaders to help realize these advantages and ensure a rewarding ASQ member experience.

While some are content to enjoy their ASQ membership remotely, there are many benefits to participating in the social elements of a professional organization like ASQ.
-          Social Involvement: The team-oriented approach and servant leadership mentality make ASQ a positive and encouraging organization to volunteer and participate.
-          Social Networking: ASQ Vancouver has distinguished itself as a leading participant on various networks including linkedin, facebook, and twitter.  According to ASQ HQ specialists, a strong internet presence actually draws in global participants and extends an international reach.
-          Social Events: This includes the meetings, tours, interactive presentations, breakfast sessions, and other initiatives which permit direct face-to-face networking.
-          Social Responsibility:  The Community Good Works program sponsored and supported by ASQ Vancouver is a tremendous example of the positive application of quality practices and principles toward the benefit of society.  According to a recent Globe and Mail article, leading companies in Canada have recognized that a Social Responsibility program is a positive differentiator when recruiting and attracting talent.

ASQ provides opportunities for development at multiple levels and perspectives:
-          Personal: Safe and supportive environment to develop as a member-leader, author, presenter, or project leader.
-          Professional: Through refresher courses, certifications, and credentials, ASQ supports the professional growth of its members and participants.
-          Career/ Business:  ASQ aids in the networking and connections needed for transitions or advancement

ASQ Vancouver and Region 4, Canada, is under-represented in ASQ initiatives and recognitions.  Canadian organizations should explore the International Team Excellence Award Process.  Canadian ASQ Senior members who have been in the profession for over 15 years, have attained ASQ certification, have contributed to ASQ as member-leaders, instructors, authors, presenters, and have distinguished themselves among quality practitioners should pursue personal recognition as an ASQ Fellow Member.  The programs are available (like a breakfast buffet at a fine hotel) and it is up to each ASQ member to “whet their appetite”.

ASQ Vancouver has been very effective at building and sustaining an active membership by appealing not only to the traditional quality community, but by engaging other groups including:
-          Student connection, particularly from British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) where there has been a mutually positive, symbiotic relationship.  In addition to developing a new generation of members and practitioners, the vitality and innovation from students have strengthened and revitalized our section and society to be relevant in the current digital age.
-          International STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) professionals who can readily participate in the Canadian workforce through the Quality profession.
-          Complementary professions (i.e. project managers, risk managers, engineers, business analysts, tech support agents) who, without having the word “quality” in their official job title, apply and deploy quality in their functional roles.
-          Career transition specialists and experts including recruiters, career and leadership coaches, and hiring managers.

I look forward to working with ASQ and the ASQ Sections in Canada over the next two years to support the various programs and initiatives intended to provide and improve the value delivered to ASQ members and member-leaders.  Quality is a diverse and vibrant profession which benefits society and encapsulates many positive ideals and virtues.  I am honored and humbled to have been nominated by Dave Muncaster for this important role, and I look forward to expanding the positive influence of ASQ Vancouver across all of the sections in Canada.

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