I wanted to follow up on the validity of some claims regarding the relative demand for quality practitioners with ASQ credentials. This is a snapshot of mid-August in Canada, operating in an economy challenged by low commodity prices, increased unemployment, and rising expenses.
This is a summary and comparison of different ASQ and Quality Credentials, and the relative demand for each.
Indeed is an aggregator site which shows job openings by keyword and location. I have found this to be a reliable and relevant indicator of hiring activity.
In this summary, I am simply comparing the outcomes of the different search results. I don't have particular insights why a particular skill set is in demand while others are out of favor within their respective communities. This also does not separate particular job descriptions which may be repeated because multiple certifications are referenced.
To summarize, I have categorized these into 3 groups: Six Sigma, ASQ-Core, and ASQ-Niche. The ASQ-Core certifications are the three most popular: CQE, CQA, and CMQ/OE. The ASQ-Niche reflect options which are more specialized including CSQE for Software, and Lean Bronze (from a partnership with SME. To summarize the results below:
- Six Sigma is by far the strongest and most widely requested quality credential, with the highest salary ranges.
- ASQ-Core certifications like CQE and CQA have some demand but at a lower wage band than Six Sigma. CMQ/OE has a minimal presence.
- ASQ-Niche certifications have
- Lean Bronze demand is minimal with the lowest stature and salary levels
- CSQE is requested only as part of an "all of the above" list of software credentials.
- Neither the Lean Bronze nor CSQE are distinct differentiators, but are included among a plethora of certification options for qualification and consideration.
One drawback of this search is that some certification acronyms were common with other references or company names. For example Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE) had other meanings, returning disproportionately high results.
To offset regional disparities in industry and economic performance (particularly the unusual and sustained decline in resources and petroleum), the searches were made across Canada. This would invoke the "Law of Large Numbers"
If you are looking for new positions, a Six Sigma Black Belt provides the most opportunities disbursed across the widest range.
A Six Sigma Green Belt is also widely demanded in Canada
In British Columbia, entering Six Sigma will return a wide range of open roles across multiple salary levels.
ASQ-Core certifications consist of CQE, CQA, and CMQ/OE
CQE roles are in demand, but the average salary levels are below those of Six Sigma professionals.
CQA also has a presence, but the salary ranges are at or near the CQE median
The CMQ/OE, which is a very progressive certification based on a diverse and thorough body of knowledge, is barely referenced.
ASQ-NICHE Certifications
Lean Bronze job titles are Specialist/Advisor, which indicates a tactical role for novice or entry-level practitioners.
Although Lean Bronze is referenced, it is not an exclusive differentiator. In one Quality Improvement Advisor posting, the Lean Bronze is listed as one several credentials, and is shown as being equivalent to a Six Sigma Green Belt or any of the ASQ certifications.
Technical Requirements and Professional Designations:
Minimum: One of:
Lean six sigma green belt, SME Bronze Lean certification, IHI Improvement Advisor certification, American
Society of Quality (ASQ) certification,
This is reinforced by the more specific searches in BC and Alberta. The demand for this particular credential has not resonated into the requirements for any open roles out west.
CSQE is the Software Quality credential, which should resonate with the growing technology organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Oracle. Unfortunately this credential is only demanded for software testing roles, and is not core to the hiring criteria.
In one case, the CSQE was included among multiple credentials including the introductory CQIA, proving that the HR or Hiring Manager does not know the distinctions between the credentials.
Certification in one or more CAST, CMST, CSTE, CSTP, CTFL, CTAL, CMSQ , CSQA, CSQE, CQIA, CTAL-TA, CTAL-TTA, or equivalent.